Beyond Blue Dream
Super Silver Haze was crossed with Blueberry to create this fun and potent hybrid. The THC levels are very similar...
Bio-Diesel is an extraordinary cannabis hybrid as observed by the 1st place title it earned at 2009’s 2nd Annual Colorado...
Astros OG
This double OG cross brings some very relaxing OG traits, creating a very mellowing feel. It has a slightly sweet...
Aspen OG
Aspen OG is a Sativa dominant Hybrid, specifically grown in Colorado with genetics originally from California. An any time of...
Apex Kush
Apex Kush is an Indica dominant Hybrid strain that upon first taste, may have Sativa-like effects & create a pleasant...
Arjans Strawberry Haze
Arjans Strawberry Haze was created by Arjan and introduced on the market in 2006. The buds of Strawberry Haze smell...
Bear Dance
This Hybrid strain comes from the very lovely genetics of Snowcap x Suge Pure Kush x Uzbekistani Hash Plant. Very...
Alien Band
Moderate THC Positive Effects Happy, Euphoric, Creative, uplifting. Medical Effects Nerve pain, spasms, migraines, stress relief. Side Effects Dry mouth,...
Alien Bomb
This is a great indica hybrid with some tendencies of a sativa. Great for pain management while still going about...
Alien Dawg
This Indica strain is characterized by a sour and pungent odor. Alien Dawg has a light, bitter taste and presents...

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