Youtube Star Casey Neistat visits Denver Euflora

It seems as if there’s no topic that Casey Neistat can’t illuminate with his signature charm. The popular YouTuber is known for his viral videos, many of which rack up major hits whenever he posts them. Neistat can make something as simple as an airline upgrade absolutely fascinating, as his recent episode on Emirates Airlines demonstrated. This modestly made video managed to score a whopping seven million views—so far. The 35-year-old Neistat is a husband and father and is also known for speaking out on his experience of being in New York City on 9/11.

Perhaps it should come as no surprise, then, that Neistat’s visit to our own Colorado marijuana dispensary has also attracted major attention. On a road trip that preceded his son’s college matriculation, Neistat came to Euflora and checked out our store. Along the way, he revealed that he happens to be a big supporter of pot legalization. And he was impressed by what he saw at our Denver shop, to put it mildly. We’re proud to report that Neistat heaped praise upon the aesthetic appeal of Euflora, noting how high-end and organized it appeared inside. Although she was not seen on camera, even our very own security guard received a major shout-out from Neistat.

Walking around the dispensary, Niestat pointed out the fetching way in which the edibles are arranged, even comparing the look of our store to the design of an Apple store. But he didn’t stop there. In fact, he highlighted several of the alluring products gracing our shop, including cookie dough, gummies, assorted candies, weed beverages, and more. Another facet of the store that impressed Neistat was the wide array of tablets that explained how and why each different strain worked. As he was checking out a small canister of indica, one could see the sign indicating that we sell this particular strain in eighths. Those who have never been inside a marijuana dispensary will be absolutely fascinated by this video because it truly brings the experience to life.

All in all, Neistat seemed truly enthused by his trip to our marijuana dispensary. Now, with his kind of online reach, it should be interesting to see if Neistat’s legions of loyal fans also decide to stop by Euflora. Whether he’s taking a shower at 40,000 feet or just sounding off about any number of topics, there is no doubt that this man understands how to captivate an audience.

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