Impact Network – September’s Social Saturday Partner

The Impact Network is the First 501c3 Nonprofit for Cannabis & Women’s Health.

A world where cannabis is a safe, effective, accessible, and affordable option for all women. IMPACT Network is a 501c3 nonprofit organization mproving arijuana olicy and ccelerating annabinoid herapeutics for Women Worldwide.

IMPACT Network is launching the first large scale clinical studies of cannabis and women’s health. We are presently fundraising for our WMEDS Study, the omen’s Health and arijuana fficacy ata et Study. We also create education programs on cannabis and women’s health for healthcare professionals, patients, nonprofits, business, and universities. Finally, we advocate for policy reform that allows women to legally access medical marijuana.

Founded by Michele Ross, PhD.

As a neuroscientist, she was frustrated by the lack of education on the endocannabinoid system both doctors and scientists received, despite medical cannabis being used by millions of patients nationwide. In 2013, she founded the “Endocannabinoid Deficiency Foundation,” now known as IMPACT Network, with the mission to make medical cannabis treatment a first-line therapy for patients by educating patients, healthcare professionals and policy makers and driving clinical cannabis research.

Dr. Ross is both a cannabinoid medicine researcher and a cannabis patient. After being diagnosed with fibromyalgia and neuropathy, cannabis was the only thing that reduced her symptoms and allowed her to return to work. After hearing thousands of extraordinary patient stories just like hers, Dr. Ross was compelled to ensure cannabis becomes part of the American healthcare system.

Dr. Ross has leveraged her 15 minutes of fame as the first female scientist on reality television, starring on the hit CBS show Big Brother 11, to be the scientist next door your grandma can ask about marijuana. She is also author of two books, “Train Your Brain to Get Thin” and “Vitamin Weed: A 4-Step Plan to Prevent and Reverse Endocannabinoid Deficiency.” Dr. Ross holds a Doctorate in Neuroscience from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and has researched addiction, mental health, and psychopharmacology for over 10 years. A selection of her scientific papers is available on Google Scholar

Dates and times for In-store Appearances with Dr. Ross:

Saturday Sept. 2nd from 4-8pm @Euflora Southlands
Saturday Sept. 9th from 4-8pm @Euflora Buckley
Saturday Sept. 16th from 4-8pm @Euflora 16th St Mall
Saturday Sept. 23rd from 4-8pm @Euflora Southlands
Saturday Sept. 30th from 4-8pm @Euflora 16th St Mall

Learn more about Impact Network

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