Euflora Aurora- Recreational Marijuana

Euflora, on the 16th street mall, has been open since April 2nd, 2014 and in less than 7 months is hoping to expand to up to 3 new locations in Aurora, Colorado. The city of Aurora decided to open up licensing to recreational/retail only stores. The city has decided to allow 24 stores to open on October 1, 2014. They divided the city into 6 wards and each ward will have 4 stores in it.
After the August 1st deadline the city announced the total count of applicants for each ward.
In Wards 1 and 2, there were 13 applicants in each; Ward 3 saw 15; Ward 4, eight; Ward 5, five; and in Ward 6, only three. The application process will remain open for any ward that does not get four licenses for retail marijuana shops.
That being said the chances of Euflora getting 1, 2 or 3 licenses is looking very promising. They put an application in on wards 3, 5 and 6. Each location they choose took strategic thought and if they get their license in ward 6 it is going to be a very “ironic” location for a marijuana store to be located. So be sure to stayed tuned for more exciting details!
While the process was not easy there have been high hopes and excitement around the Euflora shop the past few weeks as they anxiously await the “green light” to open up and do business in another city in Colorado.
Recreational or retail marijuana is currently only allowed in Colorado and Washington and Euflora is keeping a close eye on many other markets as they slowly turn medical with the hopes of eventually turning rec in the near future.

previousAurora, CO awards licenses for 21 recreational marijuana stores

nextAurora set to roll with recreational marijuana sales

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